
The HydroWizard package provides powerful simulation capabilities for water resource systems. The main function for simulation is simulate_basin, which is part of the Basin class.


To simulate a basin, you typically follow these steps:

  1. Create a Basin object from a configuration file.

  2. Create a policy function (usually an RBF network).

  3. Call the simulate_basin method.

Here’s a basic example:

from hydrowizard.basin import Basin
from hydrowizard.rbf_network import RBFNetwork

# Create a Basin object
basin = Basin.create_basin_from_yaml('path/to/config.yaml')

# Create a policy function (RBF network)
policy_function = basin.create_rbf_network_for_basin()

# Simulate the basin
df_flow_rates, df_node_volumes = basin.simulate_basin(policy_function)


The simulate_basin method accepts the following parameters:

  • policy_function: The policy function to use for decision-making during simulation.

  • end_interval: (Optional) The interval at which to end the simulation. If not specified, the simulation runs for the entire period defined in the basin configuration.

  • print_progress: (Optional) Whether to print progress during simulation. Defaults to True.

  • export_results: (Optional) Whether to export results to CSV files. Defaults to False.

  • output_dir: (Optional) Directory to save output files if export_results is True.


The simulate_basin method returns two pandas DataFrames:

  1. df_flow_rates: Flow rates for each flow in the basin over time.

  2. df_node_volumes: Volumes for each reservoir node in the basin over time.

These DataFrames can be used for further analysis or visualization of the simulation results.